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"LOVE 101- IF I KNOW NOT THIS, WHAT ELSE IS POSSIBLE" on Luscious Leadership Radio Show

If you know not where you are today with love and relationships, what is it that is true for you? Today we take a deep dive with presence, pragmatic tools and strategic awareness to discover, uncover and begin to claim what is true for you. Please join Danna to step into your courageous kindness and Lead In.


"In the history of humankind, it has never been more possible for us to actually relate in the magical dance of human spirit...but there are some things to do!" (Alison Armstrong)

Unravel the mixed messages you receive. Avoid coming on too strong. Eliminate the pitfalls in pursuing the one you want. Be more self-expressed and less misunderstood!

If you're dating: Learn the benchmarks and timelines of dating and relationships, so you don't blow it. If you're married or in a long-term relationship: Uncover miscommunications that have wreacked havoc in your relationship and fix them.

Lead Yourself Lusciously this week friends,


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