A conscious conversation about courage, community, compassion and commitment to your life and the changes that are possible. We must receive contribution from ourselves to close the back doors, step into our present and allow the Universe to conspire on our behalf for the future we desire. Join Danna with this week’s guest Megan Sillito with an extra dose of magic mixed into this powerful hour.
Megan Sillito has launched thousands of people to create meaningful, creative, and lucrative lives and businesses for over 24 years. She organically ignites people’s talents and genius and helps them see where these gifts can engage the world in a profitable way, doing it their way, based on their unique skill set! Using universal principles and her own magic, she playfully introduces you to your “own” map to successful creation and then catalyzes you to turn up the potency required to follow it.
She runs her own global transformation based company. Her signature event Live Your Magic has been in 8 cities and 4 countries.
She had created dozens of live and online programs on leadership, prosperity, creativity, organic workflow, and business building. You can find some of her products and course at wwwtheweirdacademy.com You can find her syndicated podcasts here:
https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/author/love-life-and-all-things-weird/ megan@megansillito.com https://www.megansillito.com/

Lead Yourself Lusciously this week friends,